Xiufang Bian, Ph.D

Shandong University, Jinan Shi, Shandong Sheng, China 
"Xiufang Bian"
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Yang C, Liu Z, Yu M, et al. (2020) Magnetic nanofluid based on amorphous Fe-Ni-B@OA particles applied in the treatment of oil slick Soft Materials. 1-9
Bai Y, Bian X, Qin J, et al. (2020) The relationship between structures and magnetic properties of Fe-B amorphous nanoparticles Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 528: 119723
Yang C, Liu Z, Yu M, et al. (2020) Liquid metal Ga-Sn alloy based ferrofluids with amorphous nano-sized Fe-Co-B magnetic particles Journal of Materials Science. 55: 13303-13313
Guo Z, Liu M, Bian X, et al. (2019) An Al–7Si alloy/cast iron bimetallic composite with super-high shear strength Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 8: 3126-3136
Yang C, Yu M, Zhao S, et al. (2018) Magnetoviscous Property and Hyperthermia Effect of Amorphous Nanoparticle Aqueous Ferrofluids. Nanoscale Research Letters. 13: 378
Yang Y, Liu S, Bian XF, et al. (2018) Morphology- and Porosity-Tunable Synthesis of 3D-Nanoporous SiGe Alloy as High-Performance Lithium-Ion Battery Anode. Acs Nano
Zhao X, Bai Y, Li X, et al. (2018) The dissection of atomic clusters with local structure in Ga-Sn alloy melts Aip Advances. 8: 105304
Liu S, Bian X, Liu J, et al. (2018) A new preparation method of Fe 2 B: Generating rodlike/scale-like Fe 2 B by dealloying Fe 78 Si 9 B 13 atomized particle Intermetallics. 94: 186-191
Zhao X, Bian X, Wang C, et al. (2018) The evolution of coordination structure in liquid GaSn alloy Chinese Journal of Physics. 56: 2684-2688
Zhao S, Bian X, Yang C, et al. (2018) Synthesis of FeCoB amorphous nanoparticles and application in ferrofluids Applied Surface Science. 435: 1314-1321
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