Shiwei Zhang

College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA 
Atomic Physics, Condensed Matter Physics
"Shiwei Zhang"
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Weber L, Dos Anjos Cunha L, Morales MA, et al. (2025) Phaseless Auxiliary-Field Quantum Monte Carlo Method for Cavity-QED Matter Systems. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Wu D, Rossi R, Vicentini F, et al. (2024) Variational benchmarks for quantum many-body problems. Science (New York, N.Y.). 386: 296-301
Yang Y, Morales MA, Zhang S. (2024) Metal-Insulator Transition in a Semiconductor Heterobilayer Model. Physical Review Letters. 132: 076503
Xiao ZY, Shi H, Zhang S. (2023) Interfacing Branching Random Walks with Metropolis Sampling: Constraint Release in Auxiliary-Field Quantum Monte Carlo. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Shee J, Weber JL, Reichman DR, et al. (2023) On the potentially transformative role of auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo in quantum chemistry: A highly accurate method for transition metals and beyond. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 158: 140901
Rudshteyn B, Weber JL, Coskun D, et al. (2022) Calculation of Metallocene Ionization Potentials via Auxiliary Field Quantum Monte Carlo: Toward Benchmark Quantum Chemistry for Transition Metals. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Eskridge B, Krakauer H, Shi H, et al. (2022) Ab initio calculations in atoms, molecules, and solids, treating spin-orbit coupling and electron interaction on an equal footing. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 156: 014107
Shi H, Zhang S. (2021) Some recent developments in auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo for real materials. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 154: 024107
Weber JL, Churchill EM, Jockusch S, et al. (2020) prediction of annihilators for triplet-triplet annihilation upconversion auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo. Chemical Science. 12: 1068-1079
Kora Y, Boninsegni M, Son DT, et al. (2020) Tuning the quantumness of simple Bose systems: A universal phase diagram. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
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