Lev Davydovitch Landau

Institute for Theoretical Physics, Academy of Sciences, Moscow 
theoretical physics
"Lev Landau"

(1908 - 1968)
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1962 was awarded to Lev Landau "for his pioneering theories for condensed matter, especially liquid helium".

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Wolfgang Ernst Pauli research assistant ETH Zürich /University of Zürich
 (Mehra, Jagdish (2001) The Golden Age of Theoretical Physics, Boxed Set of 2 Volumes, World Scientific, p. 952. ISBN 9810243421.)
Abram Fedorovich Ioffe grad student 1929 Leningrad State University
Niels Bohr post-doc 1933-1934 Københavns Universitet
Ernest Rutherford research scientist Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge
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Khalatnikov IM, Lebedev VV, Sukhorukov AI, et al. (1981) Fluctuational corrections to quantum hydrodynamics Physica B+C. 107: 235-236
Landau LD, Lifshitz EM, Sykes JB, et al. (1960) Theory of Elasticity: Vol. 7 of Course of Theoretical Physics Physics Today. 13: 44-46
Weinmann A, Landau LD, Lifshitz EM, et al. (1959) Quantum Mechanics (Non-Relativistic Theory) The Mathematical Gazette. 43: 305
Landau LD. (1959) On analytic properties of vertex parts in quantum field theory Nuclear Physics. 13: 181-192
Abrikosov AA, Galanin AD, Gorkov LP, et al. (1958) Possibility of Formulation of a Theory of Strongly Interacting Fermions Physical Review. 111: 321-328
Landau L, Smorodinsky Y, Henley EM. (1958) Lectures on Nuclear Theory Physics Today. 11: 36-38
Landau LD, Abrikosov A, Halatnikov L. (1956) On the quantum theory of fields Il Nuovo Cimento Series 10. 3: 80-104
Coulson CA, Landau L, Lifshitz E, et al. (1954) The Classical Theory of Fields The Mathematical Gazette. 38: 312
Landau L, Lifschitz E, Kikuchi C. (1953) The Classical Theory of Fields American Journal of Physics. 21: 392-392
Landau L. (1941) Theory of the Superfluidity of Helium II Physical Review. 60: 356-358
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