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Werner Heisenberg grad student 1930 Leipzig University
Friedrich Hermann Hund grad student 1930 Leipzig University
 (Über das Wasserstoffmolekülion)
Niels Bohr post-doc 1933-1934 Københavns Universitet
George Gamow research scientist 1935-1939 George Washington University


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Michio Kaku research assistant 1967-1968 Harvard
Suresh V Lawande grad student UC Davis
Laszlo Tisza grad student 1932 University of Budapest
Charles Louis Critchfield grad student 1939 George Washington University
Robert Green Sachs grad student 1939 Johns Hopkins
Moses A. Greenfield grad student 1941 New York University (NYU) (MathTree)
Arthur Robert Kantrowitz grad student 1946 Columbia (E-Tree)
Boris A. Jacobsohn grad student 1947 Chicago
Harris Louis Mayer grad student 1947 Chicago
Chen-Ning (振寧) Yang (楊) grad student 1948 Chicago
Marshall Nicholas Rosenbluth grad student 1949 Chicago
Walter Selove grad student 1949 Chicago
Lincoln Wolfenstein grad student 1949 Chicago
Hans-Peter Dürr grad student 1956 UC Berkeley
Sinai Rand grad student 1956 UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
William G. McMillan post-doc Chicago (Chemistry Tree)
Edoardo Amaldi post-doc 1931 Universität Leipzig
Harold Paul Furth post-doc 1956-1960 LLNL
Stanisław Marcin Ulam research scientist 1943-1951 LANL (MathTree)
John Hopkin Nuckolls research scientist 1955-1965 LLNL


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Stephen B. Libby collaborator 1989-2003 LLNL
BETA: Related publications


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Aspray W, Horváth P, Nagy D, et al. (1989) Discussion: John von Neumann—A Case Study of Scientific Creativity Annals of the History of Computing. 11: 165-169
Gamow G, Teller E. (1969) Selection Rules for the Beta-disintegration Physical Review. 49: 136-145
Metropolis N, Rosenbluth AW, Rosenbluth MN, et al. (1953) Equation of state calculations by fast computing machines The Journal of Chemical Physics. 21: 1087-1092
McMILLAN WG, TELLER E. (1951) The assumptions of the B.E.T. theory. The Journal of Physical and Colloid Chemistry. 55: 17-20
Mcmillan WG, Teller E. (1951) The role of surface tension in multilayer gas adsorption The Journal of Chemical Physics. 19: 25-32
Fermi E, Teller E. (1947) The capture of negative mesotrons in matter Physical Review. 72: 399-408
McMillan WG, Teller E. (1947) On the production of mesotrons by nuclear bombardment Physical Review. 72: 1-6
Fermi E, Teller E, Weisskopf V. (1947) The decay of negative mesotrons in matter Physical Review. 71: 314-315
Teller E, Gamow G, Fleming JA. (1941) THE SEVENTH ANNUAL WASHINGTON CONFERENCE OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS, MAY 22-24, 1941. Science (New York, N.Y.). 94: 92-4
Sachs RG, Teller E. (1941) The scattering of slow neutrons by molecular gases Physical Review. 60: 18-27
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