Phillip W. Prior, Ph.D.

2008 Oakland University, Rochester Hills, MI, United States 
Medical Biophysics
"Phillip Prior"
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Bradley J. Roth grad student 2008 Oakland University
 (A study of the detected signals in optical mapping experiments and their potential applications in biomedical imaging.)
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Chen Y, Chen X, Hall WA, et al. (2019) A Preferred Patient Decubitus Positioning for MRI-guided Online Adaptive Radiation Therapy of Pancreatic Cancer International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 105
Bradley J, Sparks I, Prior P, et al. (2018) Abstract P2-11-06: Analysis of cardiac events among node positive breast cancer (NPBC) patients treated with three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy (3D-CRT) Cancer Research. 78
Prior P, Sparks I, Wilson JF, et al. (2017) Use of Three Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy for Node Positive Breast Cancer Does Not Result in Excess Lung and Heart Irradiation International Journal of Medical Physics, Clinical Engineering and Radiation Oncology. 6: 1-9
Chen X, Tai A, Prior PW, et al. (2017) An Analysis on Local Control of Chemoradiation Therapy for Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer Using a Biophysical Model International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 99
Chen X, Prior P, Chen G, et al. (2016) SU-G-JeP2-05: Dose Effects of a 1.5T Magnetic Field On Air-Tissue and Lung-Tissue Interfaces in MRI-Guided Radiotherapy. Medical Physics. 43: 3660
Prior P, Chen X, Johnstone C, et al. (2016) SU-F-J-162: Is Bulky Electron Density Assignment Appropriatefor MRI-Only Based Treatment Planning for Lung Cancer? Medical Physics. 43: 3445
Chen X, Prior PW, Tai A, et al. (2016) Deriving Patient-Specific Radiation Dose Prescription Map Using ADC for Dose Painting of Pancreatic Cancer. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. 96: E697-E698
Prior PW, Currey AD, Kelly TR, et al. (2016) Dosimetric Feasibility of Preoperative Partial Breast Irradiation in Prone Position Using a Magnetic Resonance Linear Accelerator. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. 96: E691-E692
Prior P, Chen X, Schultz C, et al. (2015) SU-F-BRB-14: Dosimetric Effects at Air- Tissue Boundary Due to Magnetic Field in MR-Guided IMRT/VMAT Delivery for Head and Neck Cancer. Medical Physics. 42: 3532
Chen X, Dalah E, Prior P, et al. (2015) SU-E-J-228: MRI-Based Planning: Dosimetric Feasibility of Dose Painting for ADCDefined Intra-Prostatic Tumor. Medical Physics. 42: 3318
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