Homi Jehangir Bhabha
Affiliations: | 1940 | University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom | |
1940-1945 | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | ||
1945-1966 | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India |
Nuclear PhysicsWebsite:
"Homi Jehangir Bhabha"Bio:
(1909 - 1966)
DOI: 10.1098/rspa.1936.0046
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Mean distance: 10.81 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorPaul Adrien Maurice Dirac | research assistant | 1930 | Cambridge | |
(Dirac was Bhabha's Math tutor @ Gonvile and Caius College) | ||||
Enrico Fermi | research assistant | 1932 | University of Rome | |
Niels Bohr | research assistant | 1935 | Københavns Universitet | |
Ralph H. Fowler | grad student | 1935 | Cambridge | |
(On cosmic radiation and the creation and annihilation of positrons and electrons.) |
Sign in to add traineeSundaresan Naranan | grad student | TIFR | |
Alladi Ramakrishnan | grad student | 1952 | University of Manchester |
Badanval Sreekantan | grad student | 1948-1954 | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research |
E. (George) C. George Sudarshan | grad student | 1952-1955 | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research |
Debidas Basu | research scientist | 1946 | IISc Bangalore |
BETA: Related publications
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Bhabha HJ. (1957) Economics of atomic power development in India and the Indian Atomic Energy Programme Nature. 180: 1382-1387 |
Bhabha HJ, Bohr N. (1955) The Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. 11: 280-284 |
Bhabha HJ. (1953) Production Of Mesons And The Localization Of Field Energy Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 219: 293-303 |
Bhabha HJ. (1950) On the Stochastic Theory of Continuous Parametric Systems and Its Application to Electron Cascades Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 202: 301-322 |
Bhabha HJ. (1949) On the postulational basis of the theory of elementary particles Reviews of Modern Physics. 21: 451-462 |
Bhabha HJ. (1944) The theory of the elementary particles Reports On Progress in Physics. 10: 253-271 |
Bhabha HJ, Chakrabarty SK. (1943) The cascade theory with collision loss Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 181: 267-303 |
Bhabha HJ. (1941) General classical theory of spinning particles in a meson field Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 178: 314-350 |
Bhabha HJ, Corben HC. (1941) General classical theory of spinning particles in a Maxwell field Proceedings of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 178: 273-314 |
Bhabha HJ. (1940) Classical Theory of Point Dipoles Nature. 145: 819-820 |