Karin L. Louzada, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2009 | Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States |
Geophysics, MineralogyGoogle:
"Karin Louzada"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorSarah T. Stewart-Mukhopadhyay | grad student | 2009 | Harvard | |
(The effects of impact cratering on planetary crustal magnetism.) |
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Louzada KL, Stewart ST, Weiss BP, et al. (2011) Impact demagnetization of the Martian crust: Current knowledge and future directions Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 305: 257-269 |
Maloof AC, Stewart ST, Weiss BP, et al. (2010) Geology of Lonar Crater, India Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 122: 109-126 |
Weiss BP, Pedersen S, Garrick-Bethell I, et al. (2010) Paleomagnetism of impact spherules from Lonar crater, India and a test for impact-generated fields Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 298: 66-76 |
Louzada KL, Stewart ST, Weiss BP, et al. (2010) Shock and static pressure demagnetization of pyrrhotite and implications for the Martian crust Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 290: 90-101 |
Louzada KL, Stewart ST. (2009) Effects of planet curvature and crust on the shock pressure field around impact basins Geophysical Research Letters. 36 |
Louzada KL, Weiss BP, Maloof AC, et al. (2008) Paleomagnetism of Lonar impact crater, India Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 275: 308-319 |
Louzada KL, Stewart ST, Weiss BP. (2007) Effect of shock on the magnetic properties of pyrrhotite, the Martian crust, and meteorites Geophysical Research Letters. 34 |