Yiannis G. Tsamis

2002 University College London, London, United Kingdom 
"Yiannis Tsamis"
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Mesa-Delgado A, Zapata L, Henney WJ, et al. (2016) Protoplanetary Disks In The Hostile Environment Of Carina The Astrophysical Journal. 825
Paz AGd, Carrasco E, Gallego J, et al. (2016) MEGARA, the new intermediate-resolution optical IFU and MOS for GTC: getting ready for the telescope Proceedings of Spie. 9908
Tsamis Y. (2016) Cosmology in the dark Nature Physics. 12: 19-19
Gil De Paz A, Gallego J, Carrasco E, et al. (2014) MEGARA: A new generation optical spectrograph for GTC Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 9147
Tsamis YG, Flores-Fajardo N, Henney WJ, et al. (2013) Chemical abundances in Orion protoplanetary discs: integral field spectroscopy and photoevaporation models of HST 10 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 430: 3406-3421
James BL, Tsamis YG, Walsh JR, et al. (2013) The Lyman break analogue Haro 11: spatially resolved chemodynamics with VLT FLAMES Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 430: 2097-2112
James BL, Tsamis YG, Barlow MJ, et al. (2013) The merging dwarf galaxy UM 448: chemodynamics of the ionized gas from VLT integral field spectroscopy Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 428: 86-102
Stasińska G, Peña M, Bresolin F, et al. (2013) Planetary nebulae and H ii regions in the spiral galaxy NGC 300 - Clues on the evolution of abundance gradients and on AGB nucleosynthesis Astronomy and Astrophysics. 552
Gil De Paz A, Carrasco E, Gallego J, et al. (2012) MEGARA: The future optical IFU and multi-object spectrograph for the 10.4m GTC Telescope Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 8446
Mesa-Delgado A, Núñez-Díaz M, Esteban C, et al. (2012) Ionized gas diagnostics from protoplanetary discs in the Orion nebula and the abundance discrepancy problem Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 426: 614-634
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