Michael K. Moe
Affiliations: | 1965 | Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland, OH, United States | |
1966-1997 | University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA |
"Michael Moe"Bio:
Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorFrederick Reines | grad student | 1965 | Case Institute of Technology | |
(The electron lifetime : an experimental test of charge conservation.) |
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Rogeberg M, Furlund CB, Moe MK, et al. (2014) Identification of peptide products from enzymatic degradation of amyloid beta. Biochimie. 105: 216-20 |
Balysh A, De Silva A, Lebedev VI, et al. (1996) Double Beta Decay of 48Ca. Physical Review Letters. 77: 5186-5189 |
Elliott SR, Hahn AA, Moe MK, et al. (1992) Double beta decay of 82Se. Physical Review. C, Nuclear Physics. 46: 1535-1537 |
Moe MK. (1991) Detection of neutrinoless double-beta decay. Physical Review. C, Nuclear Physics. 44: R931-R934 |
Moe MK, Rosen SP. (1989) Double-beta decay Scientific American. 261: 48-55 |
Elliott S, Hahn A, Moe M. (1988) Double beta decay Physics Bulletin. 39: 227-227 |
Elliott SR, Hahn AA, Moe MK. (1987) Direct evidence for two-neutrino double-beta decay in 82Se. Physical Review Letters. 59: 2020-2023 |
Elliott SR, Hahn AA, Moe MK. (1987) Limit on neutrinoless double-beta decay with majoron emission in 82Se. Physical Review Letters. 59: 1649-1651 |
Elliott SR, Hahn AA, Moe MK. (1987) Search for double beta decay in 100Mo and 92Mo. Physical Review. C, Nuclear Physics. 36: 2129-2131 |
Elliott SR, Hahn AA, Moe MK. (1986) Experimental investigation of double-beta decay in 82Se. Physical Review Letters. 56: 2582-2585 |