Timothy F. Bell
Affiliations: | Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA |
Magnetospheric and Ionospheric Wave-Particle InteractionsWebsite:
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Sign in to add mentorRobert A. Helliwell | grad student | 1964 | Stanford | |
(Wave Particle Gyroresonance Interactions in the Earth's Outer Ionosphere.) |
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Kulkarni P, Gołkowski M, Inan US, et al. (2015) The effect of electron and ion temperature on the refractive index surface of 1-10 kHz whistler mode waves in the inner magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research a: Space Physics. 120: 581-591 |
Harid V, Gołkowski M, Bell T, et al. (2014) Theoretical and numerical analysis of radiation belt electron precipitation by coherent whistler mode waves Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 119: 4370-4388 |
Harid V, Gołkowski M, Bell T, et al. (2014) Finite difference modeling of coherent wave amplification in the Earth's radiation belts Geophysical Research Letters. 41: 8193-8200 |
Haque N, Inan US, Bell TF, et al. (2013) Spatial dependence of banded chorus intensity near the magnetic equator Geophysical Research Letters. 39 |
Foust FR, Bell TF, Spasojevic M, et al. (2011) Discontinuous Galerkin particle-in-cell simulation of longitudinal plasma wave damping and comparison to the Landau approximation and the exact solution of the dispersion relation Physics of Plasmas. 18 |
Foust FR, Spasojevic M, Bell TF, et al. (2011) Modeling scattering from lightning-induced ionospheric disturbances with the discontinuous Galerkin method Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 116 |
Bell TF, Graf K, Inan US, et al. (2011) DEMETER observations of ionospheric heating by powerful VLF transmitters Geophysical Research Letters. 38 |
Piddyachiy D, Bell TF, Berthelier J, et al. (2011) DEMETER observations of the ionospheric trough over HAARP in relation to HF heating experiments Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 116: n/a-n/a |
Foust FR, Inan US, Bell T, et al. (2010) Quasi-electrostatic whistler mode wave excitation by linear scattering of EM whistler mode waves from magnetic field-aligned density irregularities Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 115 |
Carpenter DL, Bell TF, Chen D, et al. (2007) Proton cyclotron echoes and a new resonance observed by the Radio Plasma Imager instrument on the IMAGE satellite Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 112 |