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Meghnad Saha grad student 1928 Allahabad University
Ernest Rutherford grad student 1933 Cavendish Lab
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AULUCK FC, KOTHARI DS. (1954) Random Fragmentation Nature. 174: 565-566
KOTHARI DS. (1954) Fermi's Thermodynamic Theory of the Production of Pions Nature. 173: 590-590
AULUCK FC, KOTHARI DS. (1949) Radiation and sensation of pain. Nature. 164: 923
KOTHARI DS, AULUCK FC. (1948) Electromagnetic Level-Shift and Effect of Radiation Field Nature. 162: 143-143
KOTHARI DS, AULUCK FC. (1947) Surface tension of nuclear matter and the enumeration of eigenfunctions of an enclosed particle. Nature. 159: 204
AULUCK FC, KOTHARI DS. (1946) Distribution of Energy Levels for the Liquid-Drop Nuclear Model Nature. 157: 662-662
KOTHARI DS. (1945) Nuclear energy and its utilization. Journal. Council For Scientific and Industrial Research (Australia). 4: 324-8
AULUCK FC, KOTHARI DS. (1944) The Hole Theory of Liquids Nature. 153: 777-777
KOTHARI DS, NATH B. (1943) 'Condensation' in Fermi-Dirac Statistics Nature. 151: 420-420
KOTHARI DS. (1939) The Meson and Cosmology Nature. 144: 548-548
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