Peter Goddard

University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom 
"Peter Goddard"
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Dolan L, Goddard P. (2020) Off-shell CHY amplitudes and Feynman graphs Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020
Goddard P. (2017) The guiding influence of Stanley Mandelstam, from S-matrix theory to string theory International Journal of Modern Physics A. 32: 1740013
Dolan L, Goddard P. (2016) General solution of the scattering equations Journal of High Energy Physics. 2016: 149
Dolan LA, Goddard P. (2014) The polynomial form of the scattering equations Journal of High Energy Physics. 2014: 29
Dolan L, Goddard P. (2014) Proof of the formula of Cachazo, He and Yuan for Yang-Mills tree amplitudes in arbitrary dimension Journal of High Energy Physics. 2014: 10
Dolan L, Goddard P. (2012) Complete equivalence between gluon tree amplitudes in twistor string theory and in gauge theory Journal of High Energy Physics. 2012: 30
Dolan L, Goddard P. (2010) General split helicity gluon tree amplitudes in open twistor string theory Journal of High Energy Physics. 2010: 44
Dolan L, Goddard P. (2009) Gluon tree amplitudes in open twistor string theory Journal of High Energy Physics. 2009: 32-32
Dolan L, Goddard P. (2009) Current Algebra on the Torus Communications in Mathematical Physics. 285: 219-264
Dolan L, Goddard P. (2007) Tree and Loop Amplitudes in Open Twistor String Theory Journal of High Energy Physics. 2007: 5-5
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