Brent W. Barker, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Biological, Chemical and Physical Science | Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL, United States |
Nuclear reactions, theory, mesoscopic physics, physics educationWebsite:
"Brent Barker"Mean distance: 2464
Sign in to add mentorPawel Danielewicz | grad student | 2007-2014 | Michigan State | |
(Dissipation and dynamics in quantum many-body systems.) |
Sign in to add collaboratorArnau Rios | collaborator | 2007- | Michigan State |
Giuseppe Verde | collaborator | 2008- | Michigan State |
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Barker B, Danielewicz P. (2019) Shear viscosity from nuclear stopping Physical Review C. 99 |
Danielewicz P, Rios A, Barker B. (2016) Towards quantum transport for central nuclear reactions Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 696 |
Minniti T, Verde G, Barker BW, et al. (2014) Accessing dynamical emissions with two-particle correlations in heavy-ion collisions Acta Physica Polonica B. 45: 469-474 |
Pagano EV, Verde G, Minniti T, et al. (2014) Proton-proton femtoscopy and access to dynamical sources at intermediate energies Epj Web of Conferences. 66 |
Rios A, Barker B, Danielewicz P. (2013) Towards a nonequilibrium Green's function description of nuclear reactions Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 427 |
Rios A, Barker B, Buchler M, et al. (2011) Towards a nonequilibrium Green's function description of nuclear reactions: One-dimensional mean-field dynamics Annals of Physics. 326: 1274-1319 |
Barker BW, Danielewicz P. (2010) From stopping to viscosity in heavy ion collisions Aip Conference Proceedings. 1231: 167-168 |
Danielewicz P, Rios A, Barker B. (2010) Towards quantum transport for nuclear reactions Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. 42: 501-507 |
Rios A, Danielewicz P, Barker B. (2009) Time-dependent green's functions description of one-dimensional nuclear mean-field dynamics Aip Conference Proceedings. 1128: 120-130 |
Danielewicz P, Barker B, Shi L. (2009) From stopping to viscosity in nuclear reactions Aip Conference Proceedings. 1128: 104-111 |