Pawel Danielewicz, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Physics & Astronomy | Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI |
"Pawel Danielewicz"Mean distance: 1594.35
Cross-listing: Astronomy Tree
Sign in to add traineeJun Hong | grad student | 2009- | Michigan State |
David Alan Brown | grad student | 1998 | Michigan State |
Lijun Shi | grad student | 2003 | Michigan State |
Brent W. Barker | grad student | 2007-2014 | Michigan State |
Arnau Rios | post-doc | 2007-2009 | Michigan State |
Sign in to add collaboratorWilliam Gregory Lynch | collaborator | Michigan State | |
Filomena Nunes | collaborator | Michigan State |
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Lin H, Mahzoon H, Rios A, et al. (2020) Dynamics of one-dimensional correlated nuclear systems within non-equilibrium Green's function theory Annals of Physics. 420: 168272 |
Mahzoon H, Danielewicz P, Rios A. (2019) Nuclear slabs with Green’s functions: mean field and short-range correlations European Physical Journal-Special Topics. 227: 1949-1958 |
Barker B, Danielewicz P. (2019) Shear viscosity from nuclear stopping Physical Review C. 99 |
Lin H, Danielewicz P. (2019) One-body Langevin dynamics in heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energies Physical Review C. 99 |
Ono A, Xu J, Colonna M, et al. (2019) Comparison of heavy-ion transport simulations: Collision integral with pions and Δ resonances in a box Physical Review C. 100 |
Tsang M, Lynch W, Danielewicz P, et al. (2019) Symmetry energy constraints from GW170817 and laboratory experiments Physics Letters B. 795: 533-536 |
Tsang C, Tsang M, Danielewicz P, et al. (2019) Insights on Skyrme parameters from GW170817 Physics Letters B. 796: 1-5 |
Rotureau J, Danielewicz P, Hagen G, et al. (2018) Microscopic optical potentials for calcium isotopes Physical Review C. 98 |
Zhang Y, Wang Y, Colonna M, et al. (2018) Comparison of heavy-ion transport simulations: Collision integral in a box Physical Review C. 97 |
Stone JR, Danielewicz P, Iwata Y. (2017) Proton and neutron density distributions at supranormal density in low- and medium-energy heavy-ion collisions Physical Review C. 96 |