Jorge Viñals

1989-2004 School of Computational Science Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, United States 
 2004-2010 Physics McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 
 2010- Physics and Astronomy University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
nonequilibrium phenomena in extended systems
"Jorge Viñals"

School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota
Institute for Health Informatics, University of Minnesota

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Kim W, Vitral E, Leo PH, et al. (2024) Sublimation of isolated toric focal conic domains on micro-patterned surfaces. Soft Matter
Vitral E, Leo PH, Viñals J. (2021) Phase-field model for a weakly compressible soft layered material: morphological transitions on smectic-isotropic interfaces. Soft Matter
Schimming CD, Viñals J. (2020) Anisotropic disclination cores in nematic liquid crystals modeled by a self-consistent molecular field theory. Physical Review. E. 102: 010701
Schimming CD, Viñals J. (2020) Computational molecular field theory for nematic liquid crystals. Physical Review. E. 101: 032702
Vitral E, Leo PH, Viñals J. (2020) Model of the dynamics of an interface between a smectic phase and an isotropic phase of different density Arxiv: Soft Condensed Matter. 5: 73302
Acharya A, Viñals J. (2020) Field dislocation mechanics and phase field crystal models Physical Review B. 102
Salvalaglio M, Angheluta L, Huang Z, et al. (2020) A coarse-grained phase-field crystal model of plastic motion Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 137: 103856
Vitral E, Leo PH, Viñals J. (2019) Role of Gaussian curvature on local equilibrium and dynamics of smectic-isotropic interfaces. Physical Review. E. 100: 032805
Zhang W, Viñals J. (2019) Secondary Instabilities and Spatiotemporal Chaos in Parametric Surface Waves. Physical Review Letters. 74: 690-693
Zhang W, Viñals J. (2019) Square patterns and quasipatterns in weakly damped Faraday waves. Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 53: R4283-R4286
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