Peter Andrew Sturrock
Affiliations: | 1961-1998 | Physics | Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA |
astrophysics, plasma physics, solar physicsWebsite:
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Sturrock P, Steinitz G, Fischbach E. (2018) Analysis of gamma radiation from a radon source. II: Indications of influences of both solar and cosmic neutrinos on beta decays Astroparticle Physics. 100: 1-12 |
Sturrock P, Steinitz G, Fischbach E, et al. (2016) Analysis of beta-decay data acquired at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt: Evidence of a solar influence Astroparticle Physics. 84: 8-14 |
Sturrock PA, Fischbach E, Scargle JD. (2016) Comparative Analyses of Brookhaven National Laboratory Nuclear Decay Measurements and Super-Kamiokande Solar Neutrino Measurements: Neutrinos and Neutrino-Induced Beta-Decays as Probes of the Deep Solar Interior Solar Physics. 291: 3467-3484 |
Sturrock PA, Bush R, Gough DO, et al. (2015) Indications of R-mode oscillations in SOHO/MDI solar radius measurements Astrophysical Journal. 804 |
Sturrock PA, Fischbach E, Jenkins J. (2014) Analysis of beta-decay rates for Ag108, Ba133, Eu152, Eu154, Kr85, Ra226, and Sr90, measured at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt from 1990 to 1996 Astrophysical Journal. 794 |
Sturrock PA, Fischbach E, Javorsek D, et al. (2014) Comparative study of beta-decay data for eight nuclides measured at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Astroparticle Physics. 59: 47-58 |
Jenkins JH, Fischbach E, Javorsek D, et al. (2013) Concerning the time dependence of the decay rate of 137Cs. Applied Radiation and Isotopes : Including Data, Instrumentation and Methods For Use in Agriculture, Industry and Medicine. 74: 50-5 |
Sturrock PA, Bertello L, Fischbach E, et al. (2013) An analysis of apparent r-mode oscillations in solar activity, the solar diameter, the solar neutrino flux, and nuclear decay rates, with implications concerning the Sun's internal structure and rotation, and neutrino processes Astroparticle Physics. 42: 62-69 |
O'Keefe D, Morreale BL, Lee RH, et al. (2013) Spectral content of 22Na/44Ti decay data: Implications for a solar influence Astrophysics and Space Science. 344: 297-303 |
Sturrock P, Aschwanden MJ. (2012) Flares in the Crab Nebula Driven by Untwisting Magnetic Fields The Astrophysical Journal. 751 |