Piet Cornelis Gugelot
Affiliations: | 1947-1956 | Physics | Princeton University, Princeton, NJ |
1957-1966 | University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands | ||
1966-1990 | University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA |
Nuclear physicsWebsite:
"Piet Cornelis Gugelot"Bio:
(1918 - 2005)
Prof. dr. P.C. Gugelot, 1918 - 2005 at the Album Academicum of the University of Amsterdam
Gugelot, Piet Cornelius. Wahrscheinlichkeit von K-Einfang und Positronenemission des 6,7 h Cadmiums. Diss. Naturwiss. ETH Zürich (1945).
Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorPaul Scherrer | grad student | 1945 | ETH Zürich | |
(Wahrscheinlichkeit von K-Einfang und Positronenemission des 6,7 h Cadmiums.) |
Sign in to add traineeJunius Blackford Reynolds | grad student | 1955 | Princeton |
Willem T. H. van Oers | grad student | 1963 | Amsterdam |
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Jones MK, Ransome RD, Cupps VR, et al. (1993) Pion absorption above the Delta (1232) resonance. Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 48: 2800-2817 |
Ransome RD, Morris CL, Cupps VR, et al. (1992) Pion absorption in heavy nuclei. Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 45: R509-R513 |
Ransome RD, Cupps VR, Dawson S, et al. (1990) Charged-particle multiplicities following pion absorption on 6Li. Physical Review Letters. 64: 372-375 |
Ransome RD, Cupps VR, Dawson S, et al. (1990) Systematics of pion absorption on 6Li. Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 42: 1500-1518 |
Ransome RD, Cupps VR, Dawson S, et al. (1990) Charged-particle multiplicities following pion absorption on Li6 Physical Review Letters. 64: 372-375 |
Ransome RD, Cupps VR, Dawson S, et al. (1990) Systematics of pion absorption on Li6 Physical Review C. 42: 1500-1518 |
Punjabi V, Perdrisat CF, Ulmer P, et al. (1989) Deuteron breakup at 2.1 and 1.25 GeV. Physical Review. C, Nuclear Physics. 39: 608-618 |
Perdrisat CF, Punjabi V, Lyndon C, et al. (1987) Cross section and T20 in 0 degrees deuteron breakup at 2.1 GeV. Physical Review Letters. 59: 2840-2843 |
Boswell J, Das GS, Gugelot PC, et al. (1985) Inelastic scattering of pi + and pi - mesons from 3He and 4He at energies of 350, 400, and 475 MeV. Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics. 32: 1289-1304 |
Boswell J, Das GS, Gugelot PC, et al. (1985) Inelastic scattering of + and - Mesons from He3 and He4 at energies of 350, 400, and 475 MeV Physical Review C. 32: 1289-1304 |