Igor Herbut

1995-1998 Physics University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada 
 1998-1999 Physics Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 
 1999- Physics Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada 
 2005-2006 Physics Tokyo Institute of Technology 
 2012-2013 Physics Max Planck Dresden 
theoretical physics
"Igor Herbut"
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Matthew John Case grad student 1999-2005 RCMP
Babak Seradjeh grad student 2000-2006 Indiana University Bloomington
Bitan Roy grad student 2006-2011 Lehigh University (Computer Science Tree)
Kamran Kaveh grad student 1999-2012 Harvard (Computer Science Tree)
Kelly Cheung grad student 2006-2012 Alexander College (Computer Science Tree)
Andras Szabo grad student 2014-2016 Max Planck Dresden
Subrata Mandal grad student 2018-2023 University of Stuttgart
Mohammad Amin post-doc 2000-2001 d-wave systems
Dominic Lee post-doc 2001-2003 Imperial College London
Vladimir Juricic post-doc 2006-2009 NORDITA
Chi-Ken Lu post-doc 2010-2012 Rutgers, New Brunswick
Lukas Janssen post-doc 2013-2015 TU Dresden
Michael Scherer post-doc 2016-2016 Ruhr University Bochum
Igor Boettcher post-doc 2015-2018 University of Alberta
Dietrich Roscher post-doc 2017-2018 University of Cologne
Julia Link post-doc 2018-2022 TU Dresden
Majid Kheirkhah post-doc 2022-2024 Simon Faser University
SangEun Han post-doc 2023-2025 Simon Fraser
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Schwab J, Janssen L, Sun K, et al. (2022) Nematic Quantum Criticality in Dirac Systems. Physical Review Letters. 128: 157203
Link JM, Herbut IF. (2020) Bogoliubov-Fermi Surfaces in Noncentrosymmetric Multicomponent Superconductors. Physical Review Letters. 125: 237004
Link JM, Boettcher I, Herbut IF. (2020) d -wave superconductivity and Bogoliubov-Fermi surfaces in Rarita-Schwinger-Weyl semimetals Physical Review B. 101
Tang HK, Leaw JN, Rodrigues JNB, et al. (2019) Response to Comment on "The role of electron-electron interactions in two-dimensional Dirac fermions". Science (New York, N.Y.). 366
Leaw JN, Tang H, Sengupta P, et al. (2019) Electronic ground state in bilayer graphene with realistic Coulomb interactions Physical Review B. 100
Herbut IF, Boettcher I, Mandal S. (2019) Ground state of the three-dimensional BCS d -wave superconductor Physical Review B. 100
Tang HK, Leaw JN, Rodrigues JNB, et al. (2018) The role of electron-electron interactions in two-dimensional Dirac fermions. Science (New York, N.Y.). 361: 570-574
Boettcher I, Herbut IF. (2018) Unconventional Superconductivity in Luttinger Semimetals: Theory of Complex Tensor Order and the Emergence of the Uniaxial Nematic State. Physical Review Letters. 120: 057002
Boettcher I, Herbut IF. (2018) Critical phenomena at the complex tensor ordering phase transition Physical Review B. 97
Janssen L, Herbut IF, Scherer MM. (2018) Compatible orders and fermion-induced emergent symmetry in Dirac systems Physical Review B. 97
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