Nan Yu

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 
"Nan Yu"
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Yu N, Nagourney W, Dehmelt H. (1997) Radiative Lifetime Measurement of the Ba + Metastable D 3/2 State Physical Review Letters. 78: 4898-4901
Dehmelt H, Yu N. (1997) Paul-Straubel-Kingdon trap for true zero-point confinement of an individual ion and reservoir Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 94: 10031-10033
Dehmelt H, Zhao X, Yu N, et al. (1996) Excitation transfer spectroscopy with two metastable 138Ba+ ions in same trap Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 93: 6861-6862
Zhao X, Yu N, Dehmelt H, et al. (1995) Isotope-shift measurement of the 6 2S1/2-5 2D5/2 transition in Ba+ Physical Review A. 51: 4483-4486
Dehmelt H, Lamoreaux S, Mittleman R, et al. (1995) Practical positron catching in a Penning trap International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes. 148: L25-L27
Yu N, Zhao X, Dehmelt H, et al. (1994) Stark shift of a single barium ion and potential application to zero-point confinement in a rf trap Physical Review A. 50: 2738-2741
Yu N, Dehmelt H, Nagourney W. (1993) Noise-free parametric energy multiplication for frequency measurements of an anharmonic mono-ion oscillator Journal of Applied Physics. 73: 8650-8652
Yu N, Dehmelt H, Nagourney W. (1992) The 31S0-33P0 transition in the aluminum isotope ion26A1+: A potentially superior passive laser frequency standard and spectrum analyzer Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 89: 7289
Yu N, Nagourney W, Dehmelt H. (1991) Demonstration of new Paul-Straubel trap for trapping single ions Journal of Applied Physics. 69: 3779-3781
Nagourney W, Yu N, Dehmelt H. (1990) High resolution Ba+ monoion spectroscopy with frequency stabilized color-center laser Optics Communications. 79: 176-180
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