Nigel JT Smith

1989-1992 Physics The University of Leeds, Leeds, England, United Kingdom 
 1992-1999 Physics Imperial College, London, London, England, United Kingdom 
 1999-2009 Particle Physics Rutherford Appleton Laboratory 
 2009-2021 Astroparticle Physics SNOLAB 
 2021- TRIUMF 
Astroparticle physics; dark matter search; underground science; accelerator physics; nuclear physics; particle physics
"Nigel JT Smith"
Mean distance: (not calculated yet)


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Alan Andrew Watson grad student 1985-1990 The University of Leeds
 (A Search for Gamma Ray Sources from the South Pole)
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McDonald A, Smith N. (2017) Foreword. Radiation Research
Lawson I, Smith N, Jauregui EV. (2013) The SNOLAB Deep Underground Research Facility and Its Science Program Nuclear Physics News. 23: 5-9
Smith N, Spooner N. (2000) The search for dark matter Physics World. 13: 23-28
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