Nishikanta Khandai, PhD

2004-2010 Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India 
 2015- NISER Bhubaneswar 
"Nishikanta Khandai"
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Khandai N, Di Matteo T, Croft R, et al. (2015) The MassiveBlack-II simulation: The evolution of haloes and galaxies to z ~ 0 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 450: 1349-1374
Tenneti A, Singh S, Mandelbaum R, et al. (2015) Intrinsic alignments of galaxies in the MassiveBlack-II simulation: Analysis of two-point statistics Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 448: 3522-3544
Park K, Matteo TD, Ho S, et al. (2015) Luminosity function of [O ii] emission-line galaxies in the MassiveBlack-II simulation Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 454: 269-279
Tenneti A, Mandelbaum R, Di Matteo T, et al. (2014) Galaxy shapes and intrinsic alignments in the MassiveBlack-II simulation Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 441: 470-485
Feng Y, Di Matteo T, Croft R, et al. (2014) High-redshift supermassive black holes: Accretion through cold flows Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 440: 1865-1879
Degraf C, Di Matteo T, Khandai N, et al. (2012) Early black holes in cosmological simulations: Luminosity functions and clustering behaviour Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 424: 1892-1898
Khandai N, Feng Y, Degraf C, et al. (2012) The formation of galaxies hosting z~ 6 quasars Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 423: 2397-2406
Khandai N, Sethi SK, Di Matteo T, et al. (2011) Detecting neutral hydrogen in emission at redshift z ≃ 1 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 415: 2580-2593
Yadav JK, Bagla JS, Khandai N. (2010) Fractal dimension as a measure of the scale of homogeneity Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 405: 2009-2015
Bagla JS, Khandai N. (2009) The Adaptive TreePM: an adaptive resolution code for cosmological N‐body simulations Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 396: 2211-2227
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