Debajyoti Choudhury

Delhi University, New Delhi, Delhi, India 
"Debajyoti Choudhury"
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Choudhury D, Deka K, Mandal T, et al. (2020) Neutrino and Z ′ phenomenology in an anomaly-free U(1) extension: role of higher-dimensional operators Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020: 1-38
Choudhury D, Roy DP. (2019) R-parity-breaking SUSY solution to the Rb and ALEPH anomalies. Physical Review. D, Particles and Fields. 54: 6797-6802
Choudhury D, Sachdeva D. (2019) Model independent analysis of MeV scale dark matter. II. Implications from e−e+ colliders and direct detection Physical Review D. 100
Choudhury D, Kumar N, Kundu A. (2019) Search for an opposite sign muon-tau pair and a b-jet at the LHC in the context of flavor anomalies Physical Review D. 100
Choudhury D, Sachdeva D. (2019) Model Independent analysis of MeV scale dark matter: I. Cosmological constraints Physical Review D. 100
Arun MT, Choudhury D, Sachdeva D. (2019) Living orthogonally: quasi-universal extra dimensions Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019: 230
Choudhury D, Ghosh K, Niyogi S. (2018) Probing nonstandard neutrino interactions at the LHC Run II Physics Letters B. 784: 248-254
Choudhury D, Kundu A, Mandal R, et al. (2018) RK(⁎) and R(D(⁎)) anomalies resolved with lepton mixing Nuclear Physics. 933: 433-453
Choudhury D, Kundu A, Mandal R, et al. (2017) Minimal Unified Resolution to R_{K^{(*)}} and R(D^{(*)}) Anomalies with Lepton Mixing. Physical Review Letters. 119: 151801
Bardhan D, Chakraborty A, Choudhury D, et al. (2017) Search for bottom squarks in the baryon-number violating MSSM Physical Review D. 96
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