Edwin Thompson Jaynes, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 1950-1960 | Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA | |
1960-1992 | Physics | Washington University, Saint Louis, St. Louis, MO |
Maximum Entropy, Bayesian TheoryWebsite:
"Edwin Jaynes"Bio:
(1922 - 1998)
Mean distance: 12.67 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorEugene Paul Wigner | grad student | 1951 | Princeton | |
(An Electronic Theory of Ferroelectricity) |
Sign in to add traineePhil Fraundorf | grad student | Washington University | |
Frederick W. Cummings | grad student | 1955-1960 | Stanford |
Douglas James Scalapino | grad student | 1961 | Stanford |
Joseph H. Eberly | grad student | 1962 | Stanford |
Carlos R. Stroud | grad student | 1969 | Washington University |
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Jaynes ET. (2003) Probability theory : the logic of science The Mathematical Intelligencer. 27: 83-83 |
Jaynes ET. (1973) The well-posed problem Foundations of Physics. 3: 477-492 |
Stroud CR, Jaynes ET. (1970) Long-term solutions in semiclassical radiation theory Physical Review A. 1: 106-121 |
Crisp MD, Jaynes ET. (1969) Radiative effects in semiclassical theory Physical Review. 179: 1253-1261 |
Jaynes ET, Cummings FW. (1963) Comparison of Quantum and Semiclassical Radiation Theories with Application to the Beam Maser Proceedings of the Ieee. 51: 89-109 |
Jaynes ET. (1957) Information theory and statistical mechanics Physical Review. 106: 620-630 |