Joseph H. Eberly, Ph.D.

Physics, Optics University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 
quantum optics, radiation physics
"Joseph Eberly"

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Edwin Thompson Jaynes grad student 1962 Stanford
 (Black-body distribution law in semiclassical radiation theory)


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Iam-Choon Khoo grad student 1976 Rochester
Krzysztof Wódkiewicz grad student 1977 Rochester (Neurotree)
Javier Sánchez Mondragon grad student 1980 Rochester
Kam W. Chan grad student 2005 Rochester
Jeffrey S. Pratt grad student 2005 Rochester
B. David Clader grad student 2008 Rochester
Muhammed Yonac grad student 2009 Rochester
Elizabeth Groves grad student 2013 Rochester
Xu Wang grad student 2013 Rochester
Shantanu Agarwal grad student 2014 Rochester
Xiao-Feng Qian grad student 2014 Rochester
Seyed M. Hashemi Rafsanjani grad student 2015 Rochester
Songbo Xie grad student 2013-2024 Rochester
Ting Yu post-doc Rochester
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Xie S, Zhao YY, Zhang C, et al. (2023) Experimental Examination of Entanglement Estimates. Physical Review Letters. 130: 150801
Xie S, Eberly JH. (2021) Triangle Measure of Tripartite Entanglement. Physical Review Letters. 127: 040403
Qian X-, Konthasinghe K, Manikandan SK, et al. (2020) Turning off quantum duality Arxiv: Quantum Physics. 2: 12016
Qian X-, Vamivakas AN, Eberly JH. (2018) Entanglement limits duality and vice versa Arxiv: Quantum Physics. 5: 942-947
Qian X, Alonso MA, Eberly JH. (2018) Entanglement polygon inequality in qubit systems New Journal of Physics. 20: 63012
Wang X, Tian J, Eberly JH. (2018) Virtual detector theory for strong-field atomic ionization Journal of Physics B. 51: 84002
Tian J, Wang X, Eberly JH. (2017) Numerical Detector Theory for the Longitudinal Momentum Distribution of the Electron in Strong Field Ionization. Physical Review Letters. 118: 213201
Qian X, Vamivakas AN, Eberly JH. (2017) Emerging Connections: Classical and Quantum Optics Optics and Photonics News. 28: 34
Qian XF, Malhotra T, Vamivakas AN, et al. (2016) Coherence Constraints and the Last Hidden Optical Coherence. Physical Review Letters. 117: 153901
Qian X, Alonso MA, Eberly JH. (2016) Entanglement Constraints with Quantum Background Parties Frontiers in Optics
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