Ludovic Jaubert

2006-2009 École normale supérieure (Lyon) 
 2009-2011 MPI-PkS, Dresden 
 2012-2016 Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Japan 
 2017- CNRS, Université de Bordeaux 
Condensed Matter Theory & Statistical Physics
"Ludovic Jaubert"
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Rosales HD, Albarracín FAG, Pujol P, et al. (2023) Skyrmion Fluid and Bimeron Glass Protected by a Chiral Spin Liquid on a Kagome Lattice. Physical Review Letters. 130: 106703
Samarakoon AM, Grigera SA, Tennant DA, et al. (2022) Anomalous magnetic noise in an imperfectly flat landscape in the topological magnet DyTiO. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119
Yan H, Benton O, Jaubert L, et al. (2018) Erratum: Theory of multiple-phase competition in pyrochlore magnets with anisotropic exchange with application to Yb2Ti2O7,Er2Ti2O7 , and Er2Sn2O7 [Phys. Rev. B 95, 094422 (2017)] Physical Review B. 97
Essafi K, Jaubert LDC, Udagawa M. (2017) Flat bands and Dirac cones in breathing lattices. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter : An Institute of Physics Journal
Jaubert LDC, Lin T, Opel TS, et al. (2017) Spin ice Thin Film: Surface Ordering, Emergent Square ice, and Strain Effects. Physical Review Letters. 118: 207206
Taillefumier M, Benton O, Yan H, et al. (2017) Competing Spin Liquids and Hidden Spin-Nematic Order in Spin Ice with Frustrated Transverse Exchange Physical Review X. 7
Benton O, Jaubert LD, Yan H, et al. (2016) A spin-liquid with pinch-line singularities on the pyrochlore lattice. Nature Communications. 7: 11572
Essafi K, Benton O, Jaubert LD. (2016) A kagome map of spin liquids from XXZ to Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya ferromagnet. Nature Communications. 7: 10297
Pohle R, Benton O, Jaubert LDC. (2016) Reentrance of disorder in the anisotropic shuriken Ising model Physical Review B. 94
Jaubert LD, Benton O, Rau JG, et al. (2015) Are Multiphase Competition and Order by Disorder the Keys to Understanding Yb_{2}Ti_{2}O_{7}? Physical Review Letters. 115: 267208
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