Jacob Kongsted

Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark 
"Jacob Kongsted"
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Erik Hedegaard grad student Lund University
Jógvan Magnus Haugaard Olsen grad student 2009-2012 University of Southern Denmark (Chemistry Tree)
Vasanthanathan Poongavanam grad student 2013-2015 University of Southern Denmark
Casper Steinmann post-doc 2013-2015 (Chemistry Tree)


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Christof Hättig collaborator (Chemistry Tree)
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Feyersinger F, Hartmann PE, Hoja J, et al. (2024) Dissociation Energies via Embedding Techniques. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 128: 9275-9286
Van den Heuvel W, Reinholdt P, Kongsted J. (2023) Embedding Beyond Electrostatics: The Extended Polarizable Density Embedding Model. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 127: 3248-3256
Song S, Gao P, Sun L, et al. (2021) Recent developments in the medicinal chemistry of single boron atom-containing compounds. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica. B. 11: 3035-3059
Dundas KOHM, Beerepoot MTP, Ringholm M, et al. (2021) Harmonic Infrared and Raman Spectra in Molecular Environments Using the Polarizable Embedding Model. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Reinholdt P, Jørgensen FK, Kongsted J, et al. (2020) Polarizable Density Embedding for Large Biomolecular Systems. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Hornum M, Reinholdt P, Zaręba JK, et al. (2020) One- and two-photon solvatochromism of the fluorescent dye Nile Red and its CF, F and Br-substituted analogues. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences : Official Journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society For Photobiology
Marefat Khah A, Reinholdt P, Nuernberger P, et al. (2020) Relaxation Dynamics of the Triazene Compound Berenil in DNA-Minor-Groove Confinement After Photo-Excitation. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Olsen JMH, Reine S, Vahtras O, et al. (2020) Dalton Project: A Python platform for molecular- and electronic-structure simulations of complex systems. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 152: 214115
Moesgaard L, Reinholdt P, Wüstner D, et al. (2020) Modeling the sterol-binding domain of Aster-A provides insight into its multi-ligand specificity. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
Marefat Khah A, Reinholdt P, Olsen JMH, et al. (2020) Avoiding Electron Spill-Out in QM/MM Calculations on Excited States with Simple Pseudopotentials. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
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