David J Hoarty

Material Physics AWE Plc 
"David Hoarty"
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Matthew P. Hill research scientist 2008- AWE Plc


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Matthew P. Hill collaborator 2008- AWE Plc
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Hobbs LMR, Brant S, Brent K, et al. (2020) A new double crystal calibration system for absolute x-ray emission measurements down to ∼1 keV energies. The Review of Scientific Instruments. 91: 033107
Humphries OS, Allan P, Brown CRD, et al. (2020) Time evolution of transient plasma states from nanowire arrays irradiated at relativistic intensities Communications Physics. 3
James SF, Allan P, Brown CRD, et al. (2019) A streaked parabolic crystal imaging diagnostic at the Orion laser. The Review of Scientific Instruments. 90: 033506
Beiersdorfer P, Magee EW, Brown GV, et al. (2018) High resolution, high signal-to-noise crystal spectrometer for measurements of line shifts in high-density plasmas. The Review of Scientific Instruments. 89: 10F120
Bentley C, Allan P, Brent K, et al. (2016) Calibration of X-ray spectrometers for opacity experiments at the Orion laser facility (invited). The Review of Scientific Instruments. 87: 11D505
Beiersdorfer P, Magee EW, Brown GV, et al. (2016) Lineshape spectroscopy with a very high resolution, very high signal-to-noise crystal spectrometer. The Review of Scientific Instruments. 87: 063501
Culfa O, Tallents GJ, Rossall AK, et al. (2016) Plasma scale-length effects on electron energy spectra in high-irradiance laser plasmas. Physical Review. E. 93: 043201
Culfa O, Tallents GJ, Rossall AK, et al. (2016) Plasma scale-length effects on electron energy spectra in high-irradiance laser plasmas Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 93
Chen H, Bonlie J, Cauble R, et al. (2016) Progress Towards a Laser Produced Relativistic Electron-Positron Pair Plasma Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 688
Beiersdorfer P, Brown GV, Shepherd R, et al. (2016) Lineshape measurements of He-β spectra on the ORION laser facility Physics of Plasmas. 23: 101211
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