Bruno Sanguinetti
Affiliations: | Physics | University of Leeds (United Kingdom) |
"Bruno Sanguinetti"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorBenjamin T.H. Varcoe | grad student | University of Leeds (United Kingdom) |
Sign in to add collaboratorMatthew P. Hill | collaborator | 2005-2009 | University of Leeds (United Kingdom) |
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Lerch S, Guerreiro T, Sanguinetti B, et al. (2017) Entanglement, uncertainty and dispersion: a simple experimental demonstration of non-classical correlations Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 50: 055505 |
Sanguinetti B, Traverso G, Lavoie J, et al. (2016) Perfectly secure steganography: Hiding information in the quantum noise of a photograph Physical Review a - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 93 |
Boso G, Korzh B, Lunghi T, et al. (2015) Low noise InGaAs/InP single-photon detector for singlet oxygen detection Proceedings of Spie. 9370 |
Martin A, Sanguinetti B, Lim CCW, et al. (2015) Quantum Random Number Generation for 1.25-GHz Quantum Key Distribution Systems Journal of Lightwave Technology. 33: 2855-2859 |
Oesterling L, Monteiro FHDR, Krupa S, et al. (2015) Development of photon pair sources using periodically poled lithium niobate waveguide technology and fiber optic components Journal of Modern Optics. 62: 1722-1731 |
Korzh B, Lim CCW, Houlmann R, et al. (2015) Provably secure and practical quantum key distribution over 307km of optical fibre Nature Photonics. 9: 163-168 |
Binzoni T, Van De Ville D, Sanguinetti B. (2014) Time-domain algorithm for single-photon laser-Doppler flowmetry at large interoptode spacing in human bone. Applied Optics. 53: 7017-24 |
Guerreiro T, Martin A, Sanguinetti B, et al. (2014) Nonlinear interaction between single photons. Physical Review Letters. 113: 173601 |
Bruno N, Martin A, Guerreiro T, et al. (2014) Pulsed source of spectrally uncorrelated and indistinguishable photons at telecom wavelengths. Optics Express. 22: 17246-53 |
Lunghi T, Korzh B, Sanguinetti B, et al. (2014) Absolute calibration of fiber-coupled single-photon detector. Optics Express. 22: 18078-92 |