Brian A. Powell

2008 Physics State University of New York, Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States 
"Brian Powell"
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Pales AR, Li B, Clifford HM, et al. (2018) Preferential flow systems amended with biogeochemical components: imaging of a two-dimensional study Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 22: 2487-2509
Li B, Pales AR, Clifford HM, et al. (2018) Preferential flow in the vadose zone and interface dynamics: Impact of microbial exudates Journal of Hydrology. 558: 72-89
Tamura M, Suseela V, Simpson M, et al. (2017) Plant litter chemistry alters the content and composition of organic carbon associated with soil mineral and aggregate fractions in invaded ecosystems. Global Change Biology
Montgomery D, Barber K, Edayilam N, et al. (2017) The influence of citrate and oxalate on (99)Tc(VII), Cs, Np(V) and U(VI) sorption to a Savannah River Site soil. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 172: 130-142
Begg JD, Zavarin M, Zhao P, et al. (2013) Pu(V) and Pu(IV) sorption to montmorillonite. Environmental Science & Technology. 47: 5146-53
Powell BA, Rao L, Nash KL. (2008) Examination of uranium(VI) leaching during ligand promoted dissolution of waste tank sludge surrogates Separation Science and Technology. 43: 3798-3812
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