Ashoke Sen, Ph.D

1995- Physics Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India 
String Theory
"Ashoke Sen"
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Laddha A, Sen A. (2020) Classical proof of the classical soft graviton theorem in D >4 Physical Review D. 101: 84011
Sen A. (2020) Self-dual forms: Action, Hamiltonian and compactification Journal of Physics A. 53: 84002
Sen A. (2020) D-instanton Perturbation Theory Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020: 1-20
Saha AP, Sahoo B, Sen A. (2020) Proof of the Classical Soft Graviton Theorem in D=4 Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020: 1-48
Sen A. (2020) Fixing an ambiguity in two dimensional string theory using string field theory Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020: 1-13
Moosavian SF, Sen A, Verma M. (2020) Superstring Field Theory with Open and Closed Strings Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020: 183
Sen A. (2019) String field theory as world-sheet UV regulator Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019: 119
Lacroix Cd, Erbin H, Sen A. (2019) Analyticity and Crossing Symmetry of Superstring Loop Amplitudes Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019: 139
Sahoo B, Sen A. (2019) Classical and quantum results on logarithmic terms in the soft theorem in four dimensions Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019: 86
Zotto MD, Sen A. (2018) About the Absence of Exotics and the Coulomb Branch Formula Communications in Mathematical Physics. 357: 1113-1132
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