Peter S. Pershan

Physics Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
synchrotron generated X-rays to study fundamental properties of condensed matter
"Peter Silas Pershan"

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Nicolaas Bloembergen grad student 1960 Harvard
 (Cross relaxation in LiF.)


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James L. Merz grad student Havard
Gregory J Kellogg grad student 1988-1904 Harvard
Peter Eisenberger grad student 1967 Harvard
Suzanne Amador Kane grad student 1982-1989 Harvard
Daniel K. Schwartz grad student 1991 Harvard
Masafumi Fukuto grad student 2001 Harvard
Oleg G. Shpyrko grad student 2004 Harvard
Kyle J. Alvine grad student 2006 Harvard
Ralf K Heilmann post-doc Harvard College
Larry B. Sorensen post-doc Harvard (Neurotree)
Sanford A. Asher post-doc 1977-1980 Harvard (Chemistry Tree)
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Pershan PS. (2014) Review of the highlights of X-ray studies of liquid metal surfaces Journal of Applied Physics. 116
Pershan PS, Schlossman M. (2012) Liquid surfaces and interfaces: Synchrotron X-ray methods Liquid Surfaces and Interfaces: Synchrotron X-Ray Methods. 1-310
Pershan PS. (2011) X-ray scattering: Liquid metal/vapor interfaces European Physical Journal: Special Topics. 196: 109-120
Mechler S, Yahel E, Pershan PS, et al. (2011) Crystalline monolayer surface of liquid Au-Cu-Si-Ag-Pd: Metallic glass former Applied Physics Letters. 98
Mechler S, Pershan PS, Yahel E, et al. (2010) Self-consistent interpretation of the 2D structure of the liquid Au82Si18 surface: bending rigidity and the Debye-Waller effect. Physical Review Letters. 105: 186101
Mechler S, Pershan PS, Yahel E, et al. (2010) Self-consistent interpretation of the 2D structure of the liquid Au 82Si18 surface: Bending rigidity and the debye-waller effect Physical Review Letters. 105
Pontoni D, Alvine KJ, Checco A, et al. (2009) Equilibrating nanoparticle monolayers using wetting films. Physical Review Letters. 102: 016101
Pershan PS. (2009) X-ray scattering from liquid surfaces: effect of resolution. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 113: 3639-46
Pershan PS, Stoltz SE, Mechler S, et al. (2009) Surface structure of the liquid Au72 Ge28 eutectic phase: X-ray reflectivity Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 80
Huber P, Shpyrko O, Pershan PS, et al. (2009) Erratum: Short-range wetting at liquid gallium-bismuth alloy surfaces: X-ray measurements and square-gradient theory [Phys. Rev. B68, 085409 (2003)] Physical Review B. 79
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