Thomas Owen Baldwin
Affiliations: | Physics | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL, United States |
solid state and neutron/x-ray diffractionGoogle:
"Thomas Owen Baldwin" OR "Thomas O Baldwin"Bio:
Worked at Oak Ridge National Lab (cf. T. O. Baldwin 1968 Phys. Rev. Lett. 21, 901) before coming to SIUE, and may then have moved to Colorado.
Thomas Owen Baldwin, Ph.D. passed away in Biloxi, MS from cardiovascular disease on Sunday, May 28, 2017. He was 78.
Tom was born in Ironton to Raynor and Audra Baldwin. He was previously married to Jeanne Harding, Ann Cairns and Karen Larsen.
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Sign in to add mentorClifford Ware Tompson | grad student | 1964 | University of Missouri, Columbia | |
(X-ray characteristic temperatures of some II-VI ionic compounds) |
Sign in to add traineePhil Fraundorf | grad student | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville |
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