Justin M Conroy
Affiliations: | SUNY Fredonia |
Particle Theory, Statistical MechanicsGoogle:
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Conroy JM, Miller HG, Plastino AR. (2010) Thermodynamic consistency of the q-deformed Fermi-Dirac distribution in nonextensive thermostatics Physics Letters, Section a: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. 374: 4581-4584 |
Conroy JM, Miller HG. (2008) Color superconductivity and Tsallis statistics Physical Review D. 78: 54010 |
Carone CD, Conroy JM. (2005) Five-dimensional trinification improved Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 626: 195-201 |
Carone CD, Conroy JM. (2004) Higgsless grand unified theory breaking and trinification Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 70 |
Carone CD, Conroy JM, Sher M, et al. (2004) Universal extra dimensions and Kaluza-Klein bound states Physical Review D. 69 |
Conroy JM, Kwee HJ, Nazaryan V. (2003) Phenomenology of Lorentz-conserving noncommutative QED Physical Review D. 68 |
Carone CD, Conroy JM, Kwee HJ. (2002) Bulk majorons at colliders Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 538: 115-120 |