Keijo Kajantie
Affiliations: | 1961-2008 | Department of Physics | University of Helsinki, Helsingfors, Finland |
2008- | Helsinki Institute of Physics | University of Helsinki, Helsingfors, Finland |
"Keijo Kajantie"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorGustaf Juhana Järnefelt | research assistant | 1960 | Univ. Helsinki |
Gunnar Källén | grad student | 1965 | University of Lund |
Kalervo V. Laurikainen | grad student | 1961-1965 | Univ. Helsinki |
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Kajantie K. (2016) Quark Matter '84, Helsinki, 17–21 June 1984 Nuclear Physics. 956: 907-910 |
Alho T, Järvinen M, Kajantie K, et al. (2015) Quantum and stringy corrections to the equation of state of holographic QCD matter and the nature of the chiral transition Physical Review D. 91: 55017 |
Alho T, Järvinen M, Kajantie K, et al. (2015) Erratum to: A model for holographic QCD in the Veneziano limit at finite temperature and density Journal of High Energy Physics. 2015: 33 |
Kajantie K. (2014) Hot and dense quark matter at large number of colors and flavors Nuclear Physics. 931: 836-840 |
Alho T, Järvinen M, Kajantie K, et al. (2014) A holographic model for QCD in the Veneziano limit at finite temperature and density Journal of High Energy Physics. 2014 |
Kajantie K, Krššák M, Vuorinen A. (2013) Energy momentum tensor correlators in hot Yang-Mills theory: holography confronts lattice and perturbation theory Journal of High Energy Physics. 2013 |
Alho T, Järvinen M, Kajantie K, et al. (2013) On finite-temperature holographic QCD in the Veneziano limit Journal of High Energy Physics. 2013: 93 |
Alanen J, Alho T, Kajantie K, et al. (2011) Mass spectrum and thermodynamics of quasiconformal gauge theories from gauge/gravity duality Physical Review D. 84: 86007 |
Kajantie K, Krššák M, Vepsäläinen M, et al. (2011) Frequency and wave number dependence of the shear correlator in strongly coupled hot Yang-Mills theory Physical Review D. 84 |
Kajantie K, Vepsalainen M. (2011) Spatial scalar correlator in strongly coupled hot N=4 Yang-Mills theory Physical Review D. 83: 66003 |