Aad M. M. Pruisken
Affiliations: | Physics | University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Condensed matter physicsWebsite:
"Aad Pruisken"Bio:
Mean distance: 12.18 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorLeo Phillip Kadanoff | grad student | 1979 | Brown | |
(Marginality, Universality and Expansion Techniques for Critical Lines in Two-Dimensional Systems) |
Sign in to add traineeZiqiang Wang | grad student | Columbia | |
Mark C. van Rossum | grad student | 1995 | Amsterdam (Neurotree) |
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van Schaijk RT, de Visser A, Olsthoorn SM, et al. (2000) Probing the plateau-insulator quantum phase transition in the quantum hall regime Physical Review Letters. 84: 1567-70 |
Wei HP, Lin SY, Tsui DC, et al. (1992) Effect of long-range potential fluctuations on scaling in the integer quantum Hall effect. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 45: 3926-3928 |
Pruisken AM. (1988) Universal singularities in the integral quantum Hall effect. Physical Review Letters. 61: 1297-1300 |
Wei HP, Tsui DC, Paalanen MA, et al. (1988) Experiments on delocalization and universality in the integral quantum Hall effect. Physical Review Letters. 61: 1294-1296 |
Wei HP, Tsui DC, Pruisken AM. (1986) Localization and scaling in the quantum Hall regime. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 33: 1488-1491 |
Pruisken AM. (1985) Dilute instanton gas as the precursor to the integral quantum Hall effect. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 32: 2636-2639 |
Banavar JR, Kadanoff L, Pruisken AM. (1985) Energy spectrum for a fractal lattice in a magnetic field. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 31: 1388-1395 |