James E. Lidsey

Mathematical Sciences Queen Mary University London 
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Lidsey JE. (2013) Holographic cosmology from the first law of thermodynamics and the generalized uncertainty principle Physical Review D. 88: 103519
Lidsey JE. (2012) Cosmology and the Korteweg-de Vries Equation Physical Review D. 86: 123523
Berndsen A, Lidsey JE, Ward J. (2010) Non-relativistic matrix inflation Journal of High Energy Physics. 2010: 25
Uddin K, Lidsey JE, Tavakol R. (2009) Cosmological scaling solutions in generalised Gauss–Bonnet gravity theories General Relativity and Gravitation. 41: 2725-2736
Lidsey JE. (2008) Non-Local Inflation Around A Local Maximum International Journal of Modern Physics D. 17: 577-582
Alabidi L, Lidsey JE. (2008) Single-field inflation after the WMAP five-year data Physical Review D. 78: 103519
Huston I, Lidsey JE, Thomas S, et al. (2008) Gravitational wave constraints on multi-brane inflation Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2008: 16
Lidsey JE, Malik KA. (2008) Scaling cosmologies from duality twisted compactifications Classical and Quantum Gravity. 25: 65004
Lidsey JE. (2007) Stretching the inflaton potential with kinetic energy Physical Review D. 76: 43511
Lidsey JE, Seery D. (2007) Primordial Non-Gaussianity and Gravitational Waves: Observational Tests of Brane Inflation in String Theory Physical Review D. 75: 43505
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