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Steven V.W. Beckwith

1978-1992 Astronomy Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States 
 1991-1998 Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie 
 1998-2007 Space Telescope Science Institute 
 1999-2007 Physics & Astronomy Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
 2008- Astronomy University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
Origins of life, cosmology, star formation, planet formation
"Steven Van Walter Beckwith"
Beckwith, Steven Van Walter Observations of interstellar molecular hydrogen emission. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology (1978).

Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Cross-listing: Astrobiology Academic Family Tree


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Gerry Neugebauer grad student 1973-1978 Caltech
 (Observations of interstellar molecular hydrogen emission.)


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Filippo Mannucci grad student
Michael F. Skrutskie grad student 1981-1987 Cornell
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Macintosh B, Graham JR, Barman T, et al. (2015) Discovery and spectroscopy of the young Jovian planet 51 Eri b with the Gemini Planet Imager. Science (New York, N.Y.)
Heymans C, Brown ML, Barden M, et al. (2005) Weak lensing studies from space with GEMS New Astronomy Reviews. 49: 392-395
Herbst TM, Thompson D, Fockenbrock R, et al. (1999) Constraints on the Space Density of Methane Dwarfs and the Substellar Mass Function from a Deep Near-Infrared Survey. The Astrophysical Journal. 526: L17-L20
Thommes E, Meisenheimer K, Fockenbrock R, et al. (1998) Detection of candidate Lух-emitting galaxies at z=5.7 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 293
Pollack JB, Hollenbach D, Beckwith S, et al. (1994) Composition and radiative properties of grains in molecular clouds and accretion disks The Astrophysical Journal. 421: 615
Larkin JE, Graham JR, Matthews K, et al. (1994) High-resolution continuum and BR (gamma) imaging observations of M82 The Astrophysical Journal. 420: 159
Graham JR, Herbst TM, Matthews K, et al. (1993) H2 morphology of young planetary nebulae Astrophysical Journal. 408: L105-L107
Koresko CD, Beckwith S, Ghez AM, et al. (1993) Infrared images of Monoceros R2 IRS 3 - Evidence for a circumstellar disk The Astronomical Journal. 105: 1481
Graham JR, Serabyn E, Herbst TM, et al. (1993) A spatially resolved photodissociation region in the planetary Nebula NGC 7027 Astronomical Journal. 105: 250-257
Ghez AM, Neugebauer G, Gorham PW, et al. (1991) Diffraction limited infrared images of the binary star T Tauri The Astronomical Journal. 102: 2066
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