Jean-Sébastien Caux
Affiliations: | Theoretical Physics | University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands |
"Jean-Sébastien Caux"Bio:
Prof. dr. J-S. Caux at the Album Academicum of the University of Amsterdam
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Sign in to add mentorAlexei M. Tsvelik | grad student | 1998 | Oxford |
Ian Keith Affleck | post-doc | 1998-1999 | UBC |
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Robinson NJ, Caux J, Konik RM. (2020) Light cone dynamics in excitonic states of two-component Bose and Fermi gases Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2020: 013103 |
Bastianello A, Alba V, Caux JS. (2019) Generalized Hydrodynamics with Space-Time Inhomogeneous Interactions. Physical Review Letters. 123: 130602 |
Caux J, Doyon B, Dubail J, et al. (2019) Hydrodynamics of the interacting Bose gas in the Quantum Newton Cradle setup Scipost Physics. 6 |
Stouten E, Claeys PW, Caux J, et al. (2019) Erratum: Integrability and duality in spin chains [Phys. Rev. B 99 , 075111 (2019)] Physical Review B. 99 |
Stouten E, Claeys PW, Caux J, et al. (2019) Integrability and duality in spin chains Physical Review B. 99: 75111 |
Claeys PW, De Baerdemacker S, Araby OE, et al. (2018) Spin Polarization through Floquet Resonances in a Driven Central Spin Model. Physical Review Letters. 121: 080401 |
Doyon B, Yoshimura T, Caux JS. (2018) Soliton Gases and Generalized Hydrodynamics. Physical Review Letters. 120: 045301 |
Stouten E, Claeys PW, Zvonarev M, et al. (2018) Something interacting and solvable in 1D Journal of Physics A. 51: 485204 |
Cherny AY, Caux J, Brand J. (2018) Landau instability and mobility edges of the interacting one-dimensional Bose gas in weak random potentials Journal of Physics B. 51: 15301 |
Claeys PW, Caux J, Neck DV, et al. (2017) Variational method for integrability-breaking Richardson-Gaudin models Physical Review B. 96 |