Jean-Sébastien Caux

Theoretical Physics University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands 
"Jean-Sébastien Caux"

Prof. dr. J-S. Caux at the Album Academicum of the University of Amsterdam

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Alexei M. Tsvelik grad student 1998 Oxford
Ian Keith Affleck post-doc 1998-1999 UBC


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Joseph Tomlinson grad student 2005 Oxford
Rob Hagemans grad student 2007 Amsterdam
Antoine Klauser grad student 2012 Amsterdam
Jorn Mossel grad student 2012 Amsterdam
Milosz Panfil grad student 2013 Amsterdam
Jacopo De Nardis grad student 2015 Amsterdam
Bram Wouters grad student 2015 Amsterdam
Rianne v.d. Berg grad student 2016 Amsterdam
Rogier Vlijm grad student 2016 Amsterdam
Sebas Eliëns grad student 2017 Amsterdam
Albertus Johannes Jacobus Maria de Klerk grad student 2023 Amsterdam
Oleksandr Gamayun post-doc 2017- Amsterdam
Vincenzo Alba post-doc 2018- Amsterdam
Alvise Bastianello post-doc 2018- Amsterdam
Domenico Suppa post-doc 2001-2002 Oxford
Pasquale Calabrese post-doc 2004-2005 Amsterdam
Alexandre Faribault post-doc 2006-2008 Amsterdam
Guillaume Palacios post-doc 2009-2011 Amsterdam
Balazs Pozsgay post-doc 2009-2011 Amsterdam
Giuseppe Brandino post-doc 2011-2013 Amsterdam
Davide Fioretto post-doc 2011-2014 Amsterdam
Michael Brockmann post-doc 2012-2015 Amsterdam
Omar El Araby post-doc 2013-2015 Amsterdam
Eoin Quinn post-doc 2015-2018 Amsterdam
Neil J. Robinson post-doc 2017-2019 Amsterdam
BETA: Related publications


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Robinson NJ, Caux J, Konik RM. (2020) Light cone dynamics in excitonic states of two-component Bose and Fermi gases Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2020: 013103
Bastianello A, Alba V, Caux JS. (2019) Generalized Hydrodynamics with Space-Time Inhomogeneous Interactions. Physical Review Letters. 123: 130602
Caux J, Doyon B, Dubail J, et al. (2019) Hydrodynamics of the interacting Bose gas in the Quantum Newton Cradle setup Scipost Physics. 6
Stouten E, Claeys PW, Caux J, et al. (2019) Erratum: Integrability and duality in spin chains [Phys. Rev. B 99 , 075111 (2019)] Physical Review B. 99
Stouten E, Claeys PW, Caux J, et al. (2019) Integrability and duality in spin chains Physical Review B. 99: 75111
Claeys PW, De Baerdemacker S, Araby OE, et al. (2018) Spin Polarization through Floquet Resonances in a Driven Central Spin Model. Physical Review Letters. 121: 080401
Doyon B, Yoshimura T, Caux JS. (2018) Soliton Gases and Generalized Hydrodynamics. Physical Review Letters. 120: 045301
Stouten E, Claeys PW, Zvonarev M, et al. (2018) Something interacting and solvable in 1D Journal of Physics A. 51: 485204
Cherny AY, Caux J, Brand J. (2018) Landau instability and mobility edges of the interacting one-dimensional Bose gas in weak random potentials Journal of Physics B. 51: 15301
Claeys PW, Caux J, Neck DV, et al. (2017) Variational method for integrability-breaking Richardson-Gaudin models Physical Review B. 96
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