Nektarios Vlahakis
Affiliations: | 1998 | Physics | University of Crete, Greece |
2003- | Physics | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens |
"Nektarios Vlahakis"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Cross-listing: Astronomy Tree
Sign in to add traineeKonstantinos Sapountzis | grad student | 2014 | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens |
Georgios Koundourakis | grad student | 2022 | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens |
Charalampos Sinnis | grad student | 2024 | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Astronomy Tree) |
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Chantry L, Cayatte V, Sauty C, et al. (2018) Nonradial and nonpolytropic astrophysical outflows. X. Relativistic MHD rotating spine jets in Kerr metric Astronomy and Astrophysics. 612 |
Oosterloo T, Oonk JBR, Morganti R, et al. (2017) Properties of the molecular gas in the fast outflow in the Seyfert galaxy IC 5063 Astronomy and Astrophysics. 608 |
Dasyra KM, Combes F, Oosterloo T, et al. (2016) ALMA reveals optically thin, highly excited CO gas in the jet-driven winds of the galaxy IC 5063 Astronomy and Astrophysics. 595 |
Dasyra KM, Bostrom AC, Combes F, et al. (2015) A Radio Jet Drives A Molecular And Atomic Gas Outflow In Multiple Regions Within One Square Kiloparsec Of The Nucleus Of The Nearby Galaxy Ic5063 The Astrophysical Journal. 815: 34 |
Čemeljić M, Vlahakis N, Tsinganos K. (2014) Large resistivity in numerical simulations of radially self-similar outflows Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 442: 1133-1141 |
Stute M, Gracia J, Vlahakis N, et al. (2014) 3D simulations of disc winds extending radially self-similar MHD models Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 439: 3641-3648 |
Cayatte V, Vlahakis N, Matsakos T, et al. (2014) Counter-Rotation In Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Jets The Astrophysical Journal. 788 |
Sapountzis K, Vlahakis N. (2014) Rarefaction wave in relativistic steady magnetohydrodynamic flows Physics of Plasmas. 21: 72124 |
Teşileanu O, Matsakos T, Massaglia S, et al. (2014) Young stellar object jet models: From theory to synthetic observations Astronomy and Astrophysics. 562 |
Sapountzis K, Vlahakis N. (2013) Rarefaction acceleration in magnetized gamma-ray burst jets Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 434: 1779-1788 |