Biao Huang, Ph.D.

2010-2016 Physics Ohio State University, Columbus, Columbus, OH 
 2016-2019 Physics and Astronomy University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States 
 2019-2021 Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems 
 2021- Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 
Cold Atom and Condensed Matter Physics
"Biao Huang"

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Tin-Lun Ho grad student 2010-2016 Ohio State
 (Exploring New Physics in Ultracold Quantum Gases: High Spin Fermions and Non-Trivial Background Manifolds)
Wengsheng Vincent Liu post-doc 2016-2019 University of Pittsburgh
BETA: Related publications


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Huang B, Liu WV. (2020) Floquet Higher-Order Topological Insulators with Anomalous Dynamical Polarization. Physical Review Letters. 124: 216601
Hu H, Huang B, Zhao E, et al. (2020) Dynamical Singularities of Floquet Higher-Order Topological Insulators. Physical Review Letters. 124: 057001
Huang B, Liu WV. (2019) Moiré localization in two-dimensional quasiperiodic systems Physical Review B. 100
Huang B, Wu YH, Liu WV. (2018) Clean Floquet Time Crystals: Models and Realizations in Cold Atoms. Physical Review Letters. 120: 110603
Ho TL, Huang B. (2015) Spinor Condensates on a Cylindrical Surface in Synthetic Gauge Fields. Physical Review Letters. 115: 155304
Ho T, Huang B. (2015) Local spin structure of large spin fermions Physical Review A. 91
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