Mustafa Tufan Turp

2006-2019 Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey 
"Mustafa Turp"
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Demiroglu OC, Turp MT, Kurnaz ML, et al. (2020) The Ski Climate Index (SCI): fuzzification and a regional climate modeling application for Turkey. International Journal of Biometeorology
An N, Turp MT, Türkeş M, et al. (2020) Mid-Term Impact of Climate Change on Hazelnut Yield Agriculture. 10: 159
Akbas A, Freer J, Ozdemir H, et al. (2020) What about reservoirs? Questioning anthropogenic and climatic interferences on water availability Hydrological Processes. 34: 5441-5455
Ozturk T, Turp MT, Türkeş M, et al. (2018) Future projections of temperature and precipitation climatology for CORDEX-MENA domain using RegCM4.4 Atmospheric Research. 206: 87-107
Ozturk T, Turp MT, Türkeş M, et al. (2017) Projected changes in temperature and precipitation climatology of Central Asia CORDEX Region 8 by using RegCM4.3.5 Atmospheric Research. 183: 296-307
Demiroglu OC, Turp MT, Ozturk T, et al. (2016) Impact of Climate Change on Natural Snow Reliability, Snowmaking Capacities, and Wind Conditions of Ski Resorts in Northeast Turkey: A Dynamical Downscaling Approach Atmosphere. 7: 52
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