Franz Wegner

Physik Heidelberg University, Tiffin, OH, United States 
"Franz Wegner"
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Körding E, Wegner F. (2006) Flow equations and normal ordering Journal of Physics A. 39: 1231-1237
Wegner F. (2006) Flow equations and normal ordering: a survey Journal of Physics A. 39: 8221-8230
Hankevych V, Wegner F. (2003) Possible phases of the two-dimensional Hubbard model European Physical Journal B. 31: 333-342
Grote I, Körding E, Wegner F. (2002) Stability Analysis of the Hubbard Model Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 126: 1385-1409
Ragwitz M, Wegner F. (1999) Flow equations for electron-phonon interactions: phonon damping European Physical Journal B. 8: 9-17
Wegner F. (1998) Flow equations of Hamiltonians Philosophical Magazine Part B. 77: 1249-1253
Kabel A, Wegner F. (1997) Flow equations for Hamiltonians: crossover from Luttinger to Landau-Liquid behaviour in the n-orbital model European Physical Journal B. 103: 555-559
Lenz P, Wegner F. (1996) Flow equations for electron-phonon interactions Nuclear Physics. 482: 693-712
Kehrein SK, Wegner F. (1994) The structure of the spectrum of anomalous dimensions in the N-vector model in 4 − ϵ dimensions Nuclear Physics. 424: 521-546
Wegner F. (1994) Flow‐equations for Hamiltonians Annalen Der Physik. 506: 77-91
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