Alberto G. Curto
Affiliations: | 2016- | Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands |
"Alberto Curto"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorNiek F. van | grad student | 2008-2013 | ICFO |
Mark L. Brongersma | post-doc | 2013-2016 | Stanford |
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Elrafei SA, Heijnen LM, Godiksen RH, et al. (2024) Monolayer Semiconductor Superlattices with High Optical Absorption. Acs Photonics. 11: 2587-2594 |
Mohammadi E, Tittl A, Tsakmakidis KL, et al. (2021) Dual Nanoresonators for Ultrasensitive Chiral Detection. Acs Photonics. 8: 1754-1762 |
Godiksen RH, Wang S, Raziman TV, et al. (2020) Correlated exciton fluctuations in a two-dimensional semiconductor on a metal. Nano Letters |
Khatibi A, Petruzzella M, Shokri B, et al. (2020) Defect engineering in few-layer black phosphorus for tunable and photostable infrared emission Optical Materials Express. 10: 1488-1496 |
Castellanos GW, Murai S, Raziman T, et al. (2020) Strong light-matter coupling in dielectric metasurfaces Epj Web of Conferences. 238: 05004 |
Castellanos GW, Murai S, Raziman TV, et al. (2020) Exciton-Polaritons with Magnetic and Electric Character in All-Dielectric Metasurfaces Acs Photonics. 7: 1226-1234 |
Wang S, Raziman TV, Murai S, et al. (2020) Collective Mie Exciton-Polaritons in an Atomically Thin Semiconductor Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 124: 19196-19203 |
Murai S, Castellanos GW, Raziman TV, et al. (2020) Enhanced light emission by magnetic and electric resonances in dielectric metasurfaces Advanced Optical Materials. 8: 1902024 |
Basuvalingam SB, Zhang Y, Bloodgood MA, et al. (2019) Low-Temperature Phase-Controlled Synthesis of Titanium Di- and Tri-sulfide by Atomic Layer Deposition. Chemistry of Materials : a Publication of the American Chemical Society. 31: 9354-9362 |
Khatibi A, Godiksen RH, Basuvalingam SB, et al. (2019) Anisotropic infrared light emission from quasi-1D layered TiS3 2d Materials. 7: 015022 |