Oscar M. Todes, Doctor of Science

Combustion, explosion, thermodynamics, molecular physics, physical chemistry, hydrodynamics, boiling layer
"Oscar Todes"

Oscar Moiseevich Todes is considered to be of the leading Russian scientists in the field of combustion and explosion physics. Together with Y. Zeldovich and N. Semenov developed the theory of non-stationary explosion. Thermodynamics, disperse systems, hydrodynamics in boiling layer, chemical physics.
In 1928-1930, Oscar Moiseevich Todes began to study under the supervision of Yakov Frenkel, in the field of relativity and theoretical physics. Starting 1930, Todes becomes an assistant professor at Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, Department of Theoretical Physics ( led by Yakov Frenkel). In 1932, he publishes the famous paper on the solid state physics, co-authored with Yakov Frenkel and S. Ismailov. During the next decade, he also collaborates and works at Leningrad University Physics Department ( led by Vladimir Fock), and Baku University.
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