Thomas Prellberg
Affiliations: | 2004- | School of Mathematical Sciences | Queen Mary University of London, London, England, United Kingdom |
lattice statistical mechanics, enumerative and asymptotic combinatorics, dynamical systems, Monte Carlo algorithms, and soft condensed matterWebsite:
"Thomas Prellberg"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorJoseph Slawny | grad student | 1988-1991 | Virginia Tech |
M. Cristina Marchetti | post-doc | ||
A. Alan Middleton | post-doc |
Sign in to add traineePaul Mortimer | grad student | 2011-2015 | Queen Mary University of London |
Nils Haug | grad student | 2013-2017 | Queen Mary University of London |
Anum Khalid | grad student | 2014-2018 | Queen Mary University of London |
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Haug N, Prellberg T. (2020) Multicritical scaling in a lattice model of vesicles Journal of Physics A. 53: 265003 |
Rodrigues NT, Oliveira TJ, Prellberg T, et al. (2019) Adsorption of two-dimensional polymers with two- and three-body self-interactions. Physical Review E. 100: 62504 |
Rodrigues NT, Prellberg T, Owczarek AL. (2019) Adsorption of interacting self-avoiding trails in two dimensions. Physical Review E. 100: 22121 |
Bradly CJ, Owczarek AL, Prellberg T. (2019) Phase transitions in solvent-dependent polymer adsorption in three dimensions Physical Review E. 99: 62113 |
Owczarek AL, Prellberg T. (2019) Exact solution of pulled, directed vesicles with sticky walls in two dimensions Journal of Mathematical Physics. 60: 33301 |
Bradly C, Owczarek A, Prellberg T. (2018) Universality of crossover scaling for the adsorption transition of lattice polymers. Physical Review E. 97: 22503-22503 |
Bradly CJ, Owczarek AL, Prellberg T. (2018) Adsorption of neighbor-avoiding walks on the simple cubic lattice Physical Review E. 98 |
Narros A, Owczarek AL, Prellberg T. (2018) Anomalous polymer collapse winding angle distributions Journal of Physics A. 51: 114001 |
Oliveira TJ, Dantas WG, Prellberg T, et al. (2018) Solution of semi-flexible self-avoiding trails on a Husimi lattice built with squares Journal of Physics A. 51: 54001 |
Dantas WG, Oliveira TJ, Stilck JF, et al. (2017) Grand-canonical solution of semiflexible self-avoiding trails on the Bethe lattice. Physical Review. E. 95: 022132 |