Dmitri A Ivanov, PhD
Affiliations: | Physics | École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland |
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Ivanov DA, Gurvits L. (2020) Complexity of full counting statistics of free quantum particles in product states Physical Review A. 101: 12303 |
You J, Schmidt R, Ivanov DA, et al. (2019) Atomtronics with a spin: Statistics of spin transport and nonequilibrium orthogonality catastrophe in cold quantum gases Physical Review B. 99 |
Schmidt R, Knap M, Ivanov DA, et al. (2018) Universal many-body response of heavy impurities coupled to a Fermi sea: a review of recent progress. Reports On Progress in Physics. Physical Society (Great Britain). 81: 024401 |
Feigel'man MV, Ivanov DA, Cuevas E. (2018) Dielectric response of Anderson and pseudogapped insulators New Journal of Physics. 20: 53045 |
Ivanov DA, Feigel’Man MV. (2017) Low-energy dynamical response of an Anderson insulator with local attraction Physical Review B. 95: 6 |
Ivanov DA. (2017) Computational complexity of exterior products and multiparticle amplitudes of noninteracting fermions in entangled states Physical Review A. 96: 12322 |
Piazza BD, Mourigal M, Christensen NB, et al. (2015) Fractional excitations in the square lattice quantum antiferromagnet. Nature Physics. 11: 62-68 |
Ivanov DA, Ostrovsky PM, Skvortsov MA. (2014) Anderson localization of a Majorana fermion Epl. 106: 37006 |
Ivanov DA, Abanov AG. (2014) Fisher-Hartwig expansion for the transverse correlation function in the XX spin-1/2 chain Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and Theoretical. 47 |
Ivanov DA, Abanov AG. (2013) Characterizing correlations with full counting statistics: classical Ising and quantum XY spin chains. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 87: 022114 |