Klaus Mosegaard, PhD

1984- Niels Bohr Institute University of Copenhagen, København, Denmark 
Computational Geophysics
"Klaus Mosegaard"

Klaus scientific interests cover computational aspects of inverse problems and geostatistics, and a wide range of geophysics disciplines including seismology, geothermal investigations, and geomagnetism. His work includes basic as well as applied research, such as planetary seismology, deep seismic studies of the lithosphere, resources exploration seismology, geomagnetic investigations, and thermal studies in boreholes in the Greenland ice shelf. Klaus main contributions have been in the development of algorithms for nonlinear inversion.

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Tidemand FG, Zunino A, Johansen NT, et al. (2021) Semi-empirical Analysis of Complex ITC Data from Protein-Surfactant Interactions. Analytical Chemistry
Khoshkholgh S, Zunino A, Mosegaard K. (2021) Informed proposal Monte Carlo Geophysical Journal International. 226: 1239-1248
Ghirotto A, Zunino A, Armadillo E, et al. (2021) Magnetic Anomalies Caused by 2D Polygonal Structures With Uniform Arbitrary Polarization: New Insights From Analytical/Numerical Comparison Among Available Algorithm Formulations Geophysical Research Letters. 48
Zunino A, Mosegaard K. (2019) An efficient method to solve large linearizable inverse problems under Gaussian and separability assumptions Computers & Geosciences. 122: 77-86
Fernandes I, Mosegaard K, Zunino A. (2018) Statistical modeling for facies-dependent seismic inversion Seg Technical Program Expanded Abstracts
Hansen TM, Vu LT, Mosegaard K, et al. (2018) Multiple point statistical simulation using uncertain (soft) conditional data Computers & Geosciences. 114: 1-10
Cordua KS, Hansen TM, Gulbrandsen ML, et al. (2016) Mixed‐point geostatistical simulation: A combination of two‐ and multiple‐point geostatistics Geophysical Research Letters. 43: 9030-9037
Zunino A, Mosegaard K, Lange K, et al. (2015) Monte Carlo reservoir analysis combining seismic reflection data and informed priors Geophysics. 80
Hansen TM, Cordua KS, Mosegaard K. (2015) A General Probabilistic Approach for Inference of Gaussian Model Parameters from Noisy Data of Point and Volume Support Mathematical Geosciences. 47: 843-865
Melnikova Y, Zunino A, Lange K, et al. (2015) History Matching Through a Smooth Formulation of Multiple-Point Statistics Mathematical Geosciences. 47: 397-416
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