Xiao-Gang Wen, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Physics | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States |
Condensed Matter Theory, Topological Phases of MatterWebsite:
"Xiao-Gang Wen"Bio:
Mean distance: 13.79 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorEdward Witten | grad student | 1987 | Princeton | |
(Some Global Properties Of Low-energy String Theory.) |
Sign in to add traineeYong Baek Kim | grad student | 1991-1995 | University of Toronto |
Claudio Chamon | grad student | 1991-1996 | Boston University |
Joel E. Moore | grad student | 2001 | UC Berkeley |
Yi Zhou | grad student | 1998-2004 | Tsinghua University |
Michael A. Levin | grad student | 2006 | MIT |
Ying Ran | grad student | 2007 | MIT |
Maissam Barkeshli | grad student | 2010 | MIT |
Brian Swingle | grad student | 2011 | MIT |
Abolhassan Vaezi | grad student | 2011 | MIT |
Xie Chen | grad student | 2012 | MIT |
Juven C. Wang | grad student | 2015 | MIT |
Yasuhiro Hatsugai | post-doc | 1992-1993 | MIT |
Christopher Mudry | post-doc | 1994-1997 | MIT |
Zhengcheng Gu | post-doc | 2007-2009 | MIT |
Zheng-Xin Liu | post-doc | 2010-2012 | MIT |
Peng Ye | post-doc | 2012-2015 | Perimeter Institute |
Yidun Wan | post-doc | 2013-2016 | Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
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DeMarco M, Wen XG. (2021) Compact U^{k}(1) Chern-Simons Theory as a Local Bosonic Lattice Model with Exact Discrete 1-Symmetries. Physical Review Letters. 126: 021603 |
Wen X, Wang Z. (2020) Volume and topological invariants of quantum many-body systems Arxiv: Strongly Correlated Electrons. 2: 33030 |
Wang J, Wen X. (2020) Nonperturbative definition of the standard models Arxiv: High Energy Physics - Theory. 2: 23356 |
Lan T, Wen X, Kong L, et al. (2020) Gapped domain walls between 2+1D topologically ordered states Physical Review Research. 2 |
Wang J, Wen X, Yau S. (2020) Quantum statistics and spacetime surgery Physics Letters B. 807: 135516 |
Kong L, Lan T, Wen X, et al. (2020) Classification of topological phases with finite internal symmetries in all dimensions Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020: 1-49 |
Ji W, Wen XG. (2019) Continuous Topological Phase Transition between Two 1D Antiferromagnetic Spin-1 Boson Superfluids with the Same Symmetry. Physical Review Letters. 123: 035301 |
Wen XG. (2019) Choreographed entanglement dances: Topological states of quantum matter. Science (New York, N.Y.). 363 |
Wang J, Wen X. (2019) Solution to the 1+1 dimensional gauged chiral Fermion problem Physical Review D. 99 |
Lan T, Zhu C, Wen X. (2019) Fermion decoration construction of symmetry-protected trivial order for fermion systems with any symmetry and in any dimension Physical Review B. 100 |