Jerry Shmoys, PhD.
Affiliations: | Electrophysics | Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, New York, United States |
Electromagnetic wave diffraction and propagation, ionospheric propagation, antenna theoryGoogle:
"Jerry Shmoys"Bio:
(1923 - 2018)
DOI: 10.1364/JOSA.41.000324 The author wishes to thank Dr. W. Sollfrey for many helpful discussions of the subject
Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Cross-listing: E-Tree
Sign in to add mentorWilliam Sollfrey | grad student | 1952 | NYU | |
(Diffraction of electromagnetic waves by a plane wire grating) |
Sign in to add traineeEdward Ott | grad student | 1967 | Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn |
Roger H. Lang | grad student | 1968 | Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (E-Tree) |
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Ott E, Shmoys J. (1969) Transient radiation in a plane stratified dispersive medium. II. Exponential profile, plasma slab, and plasma gap Canadian Journal of Physics. 47: 1435-1446 |
Ott E, Shmoys J. (1968) Transient radiation in a plane stratified dispersive medium. I. Half-space configuration Canadian Journal of Physics. 46: 1059-1071 |