Ada Altieri

2018- École normale supérieure Paris, Paris, Île-de-France, France 
"Ada Altieri"
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Garcia Lorenzana G, Altieri A. (2022) Well-mixed Lotka-Volterra model with random strongly competitive interactions. Physical Review. E. 105: 024307
Altieri A, Roy F, Cammarota C, et al. (2021) Properties of Equilibria and Glassy Phases of the Random Lotka-Volterra Model with Demographic Noise. Physical Review Letters. 126: 258301
Altieri A, Roy F, Cammarota C, et al. (2021) Properties of Equilibria and Glassy Phases of the Random Lotka-Volterra Model with Demographic Noise Physical Review Letters. 126
Altieri A, Biroli G, Cammarota C. (2020) Dynamical mean-field theory and aging dynamics Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and Theoretical. 53: 375006
Altieri A, Zamponi F. (2019) Mean-field stability map of hard-sphere glasses. Physical Review. E. 100: 032140
Altieri A, Franz S. (2019) Constraint satisfaction mechanisms for marginal stability and criticality in large ecosystems. Physical Review. E. 99: 010401
Altieri A, Urbani P, Zamponi F. (2018) Microscopic Theory of Two-Step Yielding in Attractive Colloids. Physical Review Letters. 121: 185503
Altieri A. (2018) Higher-order corrections to the effective potential close to the jamming transition in the perceptron model. Physical Review. E. 97: 012103
Altieri A, Angelini MC, Lucibello C, et al. (2017) Loop expansion around the Bethe approximation through theM-layer construction Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2017: 113303
Altieri A, Parisi G, Rizzo T. (2016) Composite operators in cubic field theories and link-overlap fluctuations in spin-glass models Physical Review B. 93
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